This is my 2D Shooter Project.

I Made The Following Significant Modifications:

  1.  Revamped the main menu screen
    1. Added a background that is fitting to the theme of the game
    2. Added text and buttons to the "Level Select" and "Instructions" pages in the main menu.
    3. Added a "reticles " page that has 8 options for user to select which reticle to use. (Broken - Functionality (Buttons not working)
  2.  Created Level 2
    1. Changed the theme of the level to a purple void.
    2. Changed the audio of the level
    3. Increased the difficulty of the level
      1. 5 Chasing Mobs and 5 Scrolling Mobs
  3. Created Level 3
    1. Changed the theme to a red galaxy
    2. Changed the audio of the level
    3. Increased the difficulty of the level
      1. 5 Chasing Mobs and 10 Scrolling Mobs
      2. Worked with function of the "chaser" enemies to make them faster and more dangerous.
  4.  Universal Changes
    1. Player felt too strong and I wanted to increase difficulty, so I lowered the fire rate of the players gun.
    2. All victory screens include green gradient "Level Complete" text
    3. All defeat screens include red "game over" text
    4. Increased the size of all level backgrounds to have space be visible past the asteroids, not just a solid color

Created By Shane Quinn For CAS 117

Credits to MSU for used assets


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